Hoppy Tails
Thanks to all of your support, we were able to attain another goal that we never thought possible. Recently, we had our 350th adoption! This was a huge accomplishment for us and we're so proud! Most importantly, we're happy for all of our 350 rabbits who have found amazing "forever homes!" Each one has touched our hearts and will remain there forever. Take a minute to browse through our "Hoppy Tails" section (below) to see all of the amazing animals who have been lucky enough to find permanent homes!
Congrats to all 350 adopted Hug-a-Bunnies and their "forever families!"
Congratulations to Our Recent Adoptions!
You can see pictures of all of these rabbits in our "Hoppy Tails" section!
Beatrice on his "forever home" with amazing past adopter the Longo Family
Fern on a loving life with Melissa and Dan, and past adopted Hug-a-Bunnies Solomon (now Tibbers) and Buffalo
Prince Harry, after patiently waiting, found a much deserved home with Dana!
Flower, after waiting so long, found an amazing home with past adopter Coleen
Buddy on an amazing home with the loving Cicero family
Ruthie on their perfect "forever home" where she is so very loved!
Fletcher on a wonderful "forever home" with a family who truly adores him!
Adoptions in 2018: 5
Hug-a-Bunny Total Adoptions: 367
Adoptions in 2017: 10
Adoptions in 2016: 11
Adoptions in 2015: 13
Adoptions in 2014: 23
Adoptions in 2013: 10
Adoptions in 2012: 29
Adoptions in 2011: 45
Adoptions in 2010: 36
Adoptions in 2009: 38
Adoptions in 2008: 61
Adoptions in 2007: 68
Adoptions in 2006: 15
Animals Rescued in part by Hug-a-Bunny: at least 440