Animal Communication
Post date: Mar 16, 2012 3:07:40 AM
We have a wonderful Hug-a-Bunny interview to share with you from the radio show, Angel Quest, hosted by Karen Noe, on WRCR radio (1300 AM in the Nanuet area)!
Animal Communication Show Summary:
Dedicated to animals, in honor of Saint Francis, this Angel Quest show is about communicating with animals both living, as well as those who have passed away.
Hug-a-Bunny Interview Summary:
In this interview, Hug-a-Bunny Rabbit Rescue Co-Founder / Co-Director, Jamie Noe, speaks about how Hug-a-Bunny Rabbit Rescue got started, how Hug-a-Bunny Rabbit Rescue operates, the importance of adoption, the best ways for people to get involved with helping animals, as well as how to contact Hug-a-Bunny!
You can click on the player below to hear JUST the Hug-a-Bunny interview...
...OR you can click on the image below to hear the full show!
Original Show (Including Interview) Posted: Saturday, October 2, 2010